Saturday, June 29, 2013

Mesh Dresses!

The Marketplace has a great selection of high-quality, cute and quirky mesh dresses for you to choose from, all at 0L. A relatively new store for great flexi hair has also opened up on the Marketplace, called Alli&Ali. It has a wide variety of nice hair that go really well with formal attire. The look I designed for this shoot is a mix and match of various free items found both in-world and on the Marketplace. My skin is the June group gift from Curves found in-world but the shape is on the Marketplace, called Tansy Tulip by Magic Avi (it's a petite). The hair is from A&A called Yvgenia and the heels are by S@ssy from their complete avatar Jasmine, which you can find in-world. All the dresses I found on the Marketplace.

ALB Maude wearable demo





Again, pardon my photography skills. Stick with me and hopefully they'll get better!

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