Thursday, October 17, 2013

October Gifts part the Second

Here is a cute mesh top from LavandaChic, a sweet store with funky style for those who like kawaii style. I'm also wearing hair from this year's Candy Fair by Nikita Fride. It goes great with pastel-colored clothes and fair skin! I'm wearing my favorite pair of mesh booty shorts by Iffyta from the Marketplace as well.

And guess what? I found an amazing freebie by StarFyre Angels for the winter season! My jaw literally dropped when I saw that someone had posted a high-quality mesh fur coat for free! I immediately took it to go skating--and I found some free skates at the ring too!

Here's a close-up of this gorgeous coat along with the Mother Goose luckyboard skin and a great free hair by Lelutka. I'm also wearing skinny jeans by Tuty's (found in-world at their freebie section) and boots by R E D (Marketplace item).

Please note: to get the coat, click on the Panda hunt sign once you arrive at StarFyre. The box containing the coat is hiding under the table on the other side of the wall behind the front desk.

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