Saturday, October 5, 2013


I'm back!!

It's October, AKA Goth month. If you think it's impossible to find good goth clothes for your Halloween (or every days) that are 100% free, think again! With a little creative tweaking, you can even make yourself a great Halloween outfit, completely from scratch.

My first outfit is just a little ensemble you can wear to any old rocker club. One of my favorite hangout spots in SL is Deranged Rockers Club (, a friendly PG-13 club where people love to dress up spooky all year round.

Hair: Tameless hair (Group cost is 0L)
Shape: Iffy Shape by By Snow on Marketplace
Corset: R E D Corset on Marketplace
Shoes: Goth Lolita Avatar Shoes on Marketplace

Happy shopping!!! I'll be back with more!

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