Saturday, December 28, 2013

Featured Designers: COCO and Analog Dog

COCO and Analog Dog are both very generous designers that have a ton of free gifts available. COCO makes highly detailed mesh clothing and there are several outfits up for grabs as group gifts (I only post free groups). I also wanted to bring Analog Dog to your attention because they don't require you to join a group to get their awesome mesh hair that is sitting in a bunch of free gift balls on the beach.

My first outfit also includes the holiday gift from Ryuukou and a group gift shape from PURE Perfection, called Nikki. The name of her hair is ging paprika. The heels are from Sassy's free Jasmine avatar, called Sexy Black Slingbacks. 

In this shot I'm also wearing a shape from Panda Punx's group gift and a skin from a designer with an odd name--Tir na n'Ógi looked it up online and it means "Land of Promise" in Irish!

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