Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hatter, I think there's something wrong with my tea...

This is my favorite dress ever.

Hair: Pr!tty group gift (in notices)
Skin & Shape: Panda Punx past group gifts (in store on the wall)
Fabulous gothic dress: Dark Matter freebie (touch, then when the menu pops up hit deliver)
Shoes: Marketplace goth lolita avatar shoes

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Free T-Shirt Template (Ultra Basic) For New Designers!!

Have you ever wondered how professional designers match the sleeves of their t-shirts so nice and even, and screamed with frustration because you were so tired of trying to match your sleeves and gave up on your dreams of making a custom t-shirt because you just couldn't figure it out? I spent last night figuring out how to do that exact same thing and finally got it right. I'm so proud of my creation that I'm giving this template to you--for free. I want all new designers to have fun in Second Life and not be frustrated by sleeves and seams matching, because that's what a game is for right? Having fun! This template is designed to be ultra basic and can be copy pasted into any avatar template for shirts because it's 512x512 (simply select black part by going into select-->by color).

edges ultra basic so you can play with them however much you want.

Tip: to make the white part transparent, simply select it and clear and save the file as .tga.

Happy Easter!

~Carynth Resident

questions or comments? IM me in-world :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Sinister Goth (continued)

This week I am featuring clothing from the Sinister Goth Hunt going on this month (April). All hints listed on the Sinister Goth Hunt (TSG) blog.

Prizes Featured:
Skin: Riel
Dress and boots: Peachy

Also worn: Pixy Stix freebie shape (comes in the sugar skull skin pack)

Picture taken at Cae. B (also participating in the hunt!)

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Sinister Goth

The Sinister Goth Hunt is going on right now and all of the items in this hunt are 0L! I'm so excited about this hunt that this entire week is going to be dedicated to this awesome hunt! Skins, hair and beautiful gothic dresses, oh my! Hunt stores and hints can be found here. Sometimes the hunt item is really hard to find, but if you give up those stores usually have awesome free gifts anyway. Happy hunting!

Hunt Item: The Little Bat Asylum Alice Dress (comes with the cheshire smile tattoo and bloody hands!
Hair: D!va group gift
Skin and Shape: Pixy Stix freebie
Shoes: Curious Kitties freebie
Knife: Mesh Mafia

Happy hunting!