Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Moors Fairy

I thought the new movie Maleficent was highly entertaining (albeit a little predictable, because, you know, Disney plots) and Angelina Jolie kicked major butt. Here is a little Maleficent cosplay I concocted out of several freebie costumes found everywhere from the marketplace to ancient flickr posts. You really have to work hard to find a good costume in Second Life if you can't afford one of those million Linden dollar ones, but in the end, well, it's really worth it!!

Hair: Damselfly Group Gift
Skin and Shape: PUMEC Vlada
Tunic: Dysfunctional Designs Group Gift
Wings: Lapointe Bastchild Fallen Angel Costume (wings are resizeable!)
Also wearing: NextGen Elf Ears

Monday, August 4, 2014

Silver and Gold

On Both: The Skin You're In! Gift for FabFree HQ

Silver outfit:                                                                Gold Outfit: 

Hair: MOON "Absence of Fear" GG                          Hair: MOON "Elastic Heart" GG
Dress: Ally Adventure                                                 Dress: VC Gold Slit Dress
Sandals: Je T'aime                                                       Heels: Plausible Body

All clothes are FREE!!

FabFree HQ has some amazing stuff (they're a great freebies & cheapies blog that's been around since 07), especially this skin and shape combo by The Skin You're In! It's highly versatile and can be worn for many different looks. I definitely recommend checking out this Second Life location if you're new to the game.

Also, the store Virus Collection, where I got the gold dress, has a lot of freebies and cheapies as well. You use the teleporter stone to get to the store.

Happy Shopping!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hatter, I think there's something wrong with my tea...

This is my favorite dress ever.

Hair: Pr!tty group gift (in notices)
Skin & Shape: Panda Punx past group gifts (in store on the wall)
Fabulous gothic dress: Dark Matter freebie (touch, then when the menu pops up hit deliver)
Shoes: Marketplace goth lolita avatar shoes

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Free T-Shirt Template (Ultra Basic) For New Designers!!

Have you ever wondered how professional designers match the sleeves of their t-shirts so nice and even, and screamed with frustration because you were so tired of trying to match your sleeves and gave up on your dreams of making a custom t-shirt because you just couldn't figure it out? I spent last night figuring out how to do that exact same thing and finally got it right. I'm so proud of my creation that I'm giving this template to you--for free. I want all new designers to have fun in Second Life and not be frustrated by sleeves and seams matching, because that's what a game is for right? Having fun! This template is designed to be ultra basic and can be copy pasted into any avatar template for shirts because it's 512x512 (simply select black part by going into select-->by color).

edges ultra basic so you can play with them however much you want.

Tip: to make the white part transparent, simply select it and clear and save the file as .tga.

Happy Easter!

~Carynth Resident

questions or comments? IM me in-world :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Sinister Goth (continued)

This week I am featuring clothing from the Sinister Goth Hunt going on this month (April). All hints listed on the Sinister Goth Hunt (TSG) blog.

Prizes Featured:
Skin: Riel
Dress and boots: Peachy

Also worn: Pixy Stix freebie shape (comes in the sugar skull skin pack)

Picture taken at Cae. B (also participating in the hunt!)

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Sinister Goth

The Sinister Goth Hunt is going on right now and all of the items in this hunt are 0L! I'm so excited about this hunt that this entire week is going to be dedicated to this awesome hunt! Skins, hair and beautiful gothic dresses, oh my! Hunt stores and hints can be found here. Sometimes the hunt item is really hard to find, but if you give up those stores usually have awesome free gifts anyway. Happy hunting!

Hunt Item: The Little Bat Asylum Alice Dress (comes with the cheshire smile tattoo and bloody hands!
Hair: D!va group gift
Skin and Shape: Pixy Stix freebie
Shoes: Curious Kitties freebie
Knife: Mesh Mafia

Happy hunting!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Rapunzel, Rapunzel...

Hair: Taketomi (the red sign--it says Burley Republic but it's the same store, just look in notices for group gift.)
Skin: SHINE luckyboard prize (join the group to get access)
Shape: JStyle Doll shape (this skin works well with most of their free shapes)
Dress: Ikshu Dress of Hours
Photo taken at Castle Q

All of the items I post are totally free. Happy shopping!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Twisted Hunt!!

ATTENTION! If you want FREE spooky items for your wardrobe, the Twisted Hunt is going on! All items in the hunt are 0L, and it goes from March 1-31, so you have an entire month to go for it!! The hunt is very hard in many of the stores that are participating, so here I have posted a couple of items in stores that are easy to find. The outfit is from D&G, and the skin is from The Attic. My shape is from the Marketplace here and my heels are from Sassy. Have fun!

Hunt participants: http://twistedhunt.com/participating-merchants
Hunt Group & starting point: just search Twisted Hunt
Hint for D&G: "Feeling feisty are we?"
Hint for The Attic: "You should try this box on for size."

Photo Location: Bentham Forest

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Hair: Vignette Ellie in brick tone
Skin: SHINE group gift lucky balloon sugar skin
Shape: Curves February gift
Lipstick: Tilly on Marketplace

Left Outfit:
No Cabide Group Gift--LIMITED TIME!! still available
Shoes: ALT French maid shoes on Marketplace

Right Outfit:
Knockers Lucky Board Prize (comes with skates!)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Featured Designer: Pure Poison and SHINE

ATTENTION: The clothing designer Pure Poison, along with having a ton of awesome regular group gifts, is giving away a 500L gift in store credit. That's how I was able to get this amazing dress! Also, the skin designer SHINE has a bunch of free skins in lucky balloons all around their store, as well as their group gift. Both are free, as well as all the groups I mention in my blog. I am also wearing a shape by JStyle that comes in a skin and shape combo called Nicole and free hair by Eater's Coma. Happy shopping!

More Freebie Cosplay

Man, I've been obsessed with cosplay lately! Here I've designed a few mix-and-match costumes to help broke Second Life Players win contests, get tips and just have fun. All of these items are 0 Lindens and so are the groups.

Happy shopping!
-Carynth Resident

On Trinity (The Matrix character):

Hair: Vignette Jaime Black 
Skin: Essences Emma freebie
Shape: Anamaria from Jstyle (this skin works with a lot of their free shapes)
Sunglasses: Freebie Fever gift
Shirt: Blackburns' Cyborg Babe Outfit shirt 
Pants: Indyra Originals gift for the Free Dove
Boots: Blackburns

On Leeloo (right--5th Element character):

Hair: Tram group gift
Skin: SHINE group gift
Shape: Curves group gift (Shine skins go well with most of Curves' shapes)
Outfit: Hugo's Design freebie

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Teen Dream

Hair: Little Bones Dalliance in Mouse
Skin & Shape: Curves February group gift
Dress & Shoes: Iffyta on the marketplace (comes with a color change HUD!)
I'm also wearing a mustache bag from the marketplace

Monday, February 17, 2014

Goth Monday #2

Hair: Little Bones True Affection group gift in Nightingale
Skin: Pixy Stix freebie
Shape: T!lly Marketplace freebie
Mesh Dress: Meli Imako Marketplace gift
Shoes: Sassy! Jasmine free avatar (they really do go with everything!)
I'm also wearing a lovely pair of colorable elf ears from the marketplace store Next Gen.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way

Hair: Tameless new Group Gift (comes with a coloring HUD)
Skin: Lara Hurley Valentine's Day skin GG
Shape: Curves Group Gift
Makeup: Alaskametro
Gloves: Lali's
Dress: Mimi's Temptress Gown gift

All of these items are only 0L, as are all of the Second Life clothes in this blog.
Happy shopping! 
Love, Carynth Resident

Friday, February 14, 2014

I hate Valentine's Day

Hair: Little Bones "Flower Door" Group Gift (group is still free)
Skin & Shape: HUSH's Holiday Group Gift (Still Available) "Shiver" in sugar tone
Eyeshadow: Alaskametro 
Lipstick: Tilly 
Bra:  Augusta on the Marketplace         
Mesh Corset: Adoness Jack or Jill Hunt (Still Available) Hint: Pour some wine on me already!
I'm also wearing: 
Pants: Blackburns Hip Hugger Jeans in black
Shoes: Blackburns 19th century lace up booties
Face light: Noobielicious
Here is another top that works well with this corset:

  Gizza (Group Gift)


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Couture Princess

I found this awesome sari via Fabfree and just had to share it, because this is a one-of-a-kind item at a one-of-a-kind place: the Paris METRO Couture Art Gallery. I paired it with a lovely tan skin from Bite & Claw--their Christmas gift, which is still available. My shape is the group gift from P U R E Perfection, blogged previously. My hair is from a great set of color samples from Lamb; you can edit them so they fit right. Happy shopping!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Enter the Matrix

I thought this skin looked a lot like Persephone from The Matrix series, so I decked it out with red lipstick from Tilly on the Marketplace and SPANKED's gift at Chest Treasures Mall. Again, this is the last month that Drop Dead Gorgeous' group will be 0L!

I'm also wearing heels by Blackburn's on the Marketplace.

The place I took this cool photo at is too awesome--it's actually called The Rabbit Hole and has a real rabbit hole that you fall down!

Featured Designers: Drop Dead Gorgeous and Aly's Shop

****UPDATE: as of February there will be a group fee for the designer Drop Dead Gorgeous' update group.This is the last month to pick up their new group gift for 0L.

I am at Frank's Elite Jazz Club wearing a stunning January group gift from Aly's Shop. They also have a bunch of lucky chairs!

Rumina's anniversary edition hair is still available and goes perfectly with Drop Dead Gorgeous' new group gift.

You should check out Frank's, they have live singers and anyone can go!

My shape is from P U R E perfection's Nikki skin & shape group gift.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Goth Monday

Because we all hate Mondays, I've dedicated a dark and gloomy theme to my Monday posts! Goth Mondays will occasionally arise and when I find them I will post the best goth gifts I can find, because I know that goth clothes are really hard to find for free in Second Life.

Hair: LoQ Color testers
Hairbase: Tameless
Skin: Essences free gift
Shape: P U R E perfection Nikki skin and shape group gift
Outfit: Dystorted group gift
Boots: Blackburns

Lingerie: Dystorted
Shoes: PB classic pumps in black
Cigarette: Marketplace

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Grungy Sunday

Sometimes you can actually find cool stuff in freebie dungeons. Yasum has a few good things stuck in among its outdated freebie stuff it posts as group gifts outside its regular store. If you can ignore the creepy mannequins sprawled all over the place you'll find several skins and cool grungy outfits like this one (the belt is from COCO). This outfit is entirely mesh and a combination of two of its better outfits.

***UPDATE: Little Bones' group is currently free to join so JOIN IT!! It always has awesome mesh hair every other week.

The holiday skin and shape combo at HUSH is still available, and I combined the shape with Al Vulo's group gift. They also have amazing free skins that would fool anyone into thinking you bought it for over 300L.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Featured Designer: HUSH

The latest group gift from HUSH skins is one of the nicest quality free skins I've ever seen. I love this new one, called Shiver, because it goes with many of the different free hairs offered around the grid. Each combo gives your avatar a completely different look too!

Here are some of the different shades of HUSH's new gift combined with some of my favorite freebie hair that is still available.

Shade: Vanilla
Hair: Analog Dog, called wound up egg

Shade: Sugar
Hair: TRUTH hair subscriber gift

Shade: Cocoa
Hair: Pink Hustler Subscriber gift

The shape also works well with Ryuukou's hi-def holiday skin.

Eyes: Sassy! Jasmine avatar eyes
Teeth: Marketplace

Happy shopping and thanks for the views!