Sunday, March 8, 2015

Even More Sweet Lolita!!

First off, here are two more tops I found that work with the Strawberry Lolita Skirt from the Marketplace.

The first one is a cardigan from AtiK; they have several FREE (0L) gifts for their FREE group (the only clothes allowed on this blog are free clothes from free groups! Or you know just free in general. I even venture out to Freebie Galaxy type places to get stuff for my outfits.)

The Second one is from B.D.R. (Beautiful Dirty Rich). They have 3 cute outfits for their group gift right now.

Also today here is my favorite outfit from Feather that I didn't post in my last entry.
I'm also wearing cute shoes on a luckyboard from Akiba Sorority.

TIP: If your shoes are missing an alpha, just hit the Marketplace for a free pair of mesh sandals and they will usually have one that is good for your shoes.