Monday, March 31, 2014

Rapunzel, Rapunzel...

Hair: Taketomi (the red sign--it says Burley Republic but it's the same store, just look in notices for group gift.)
Skin: SHINE luckyboard prize (join the group to get access)
Shape: JStyle Doll shape (this skin works well with most of their free shapes)
Dress: Ikshu Dress of Hours
Photo taken at Castle Q

All of the items I post are totally free. Happy shopping!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Twisted Hunt!!

ATTENTION! If you want FREE spooky items for your wardrobe, the Twisted Hunt is going on! All items in the hunt are 0L, and it goes from March 1-31, so you have an entire month to go for it!! The hunt is very hard in many of the stores that are participating, so here I have posted a couple of items in stores that are easy to find. The outfit is from D&G, and the skin is from The Attic. My shape is from the Marketplace here and my heels are from Sassy. Have fun!

Hunt participants:
Hunt Group & starting point: just search Twisted Hunt
Hint for D&G: "Feeling feisty are we?"
Hint for The Attic: "You should try this box on for size."

Photo Location: Bentham Forest

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Hair: Vignette Ellie in brick tone
Skin: SHINE group gift lucky balloon sugar skin
Shape: Curves February gift
Lipstick: Tilly on Marketplace

Left Outfit:
No Cabide Group Gift--LIMITED TIME!! still available
Shoes: ALT French maid shoes on Marketplace

Right Outfit:
Knockers Lucky Board Prize (comes with skates!)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Featured Designer: Pure Poison and SHINE

ATTENTION: The clothing designer Pure Poison, along with having a ton of awesome regular group gifts, is giving away a 500L gift in store credit. That's how I was able to get this amazing dress! Also, the skin designer SHINE has a bunch of free skins in lucky balloons all around their store, as well as their group gift. Both are free, as well as all the groups I mention in my blog. I am also wearing a shape by JStyle that comes in a skin and shape combo called Nicole and free hair by Eater's Coma. Happy shopping!

More Freebie Cosplay

Man, I've been obsessed with cosplay lately! Here I've designed a few mix-and-match costumes to help broke Second Life Players win contests, get tips and just have fun. All of these items are 0 Lindens and so are the groups.

Happy shopping!
-Carynth Resident

On Trinity (The Matrix character):

Hair: Vignette Jaime Black 
Skin: Essences Emma freebie
Shape: Anamaria from Jstyle (this skin works with a lot of their free shapes)
Sunglasses: Freebie Fever gift
Shirt: Blackburns' Cyborg Babe Outfit shirt 
Pants: Indyra Originals gift for the Free Dove
Boots: Blackburns

On Leeloo (right--5th Element character):

Hair: Tram group gift
Skin: SHINE group gift
Shape: Curves group gift (Shine skins go well with most of Curves' shapes)
Outfit: Hugo's Design freebie